HHH project Patients' files
Update on the issue of patient files preservation, April 2023
Survey report, spring 2022: Patientendossiers-en-privacy-verslag-def
Workshop 2021: Patients' files and privacy
HHH column archive
#46, February 2025: Isaac Scarborough and Brianne Wesolowski, Living (Younger) Looonger: A Recent NEMO Exhibit and a New History of Aging Project
#45, January 2025: Fenneke Sysling, Adventures in the archives: Urk and Surakarta
#44, December 2024: Floris Plak, Selling Het Dorp, or the transnational framing of Social Rehabilitation
#43, November 2024: Jan Bosteels, Empress Marie Louise’s difficult delivery: a test case of lost skills in obstetrics
#42, October 2024: Caro Suringar, First-generation students in the Dutch higher education system: challenges, burnout, and emerging student initiatives
#41, September 2024: Jolien Gijbels, Unspoken birth stories and historical imagination
#40, July 2024: Jos Aarts, Early medical computing at Philips: the remarkable role of general practitioner dr. Hein Hogerzeil
#39, June 2024: Mayra Murkens, Ghosts of the past? The dangers of measles
#38, May 2024: Paul van Trigt, They do things differently here: discomfort in transdisciplinary research about loneliness
#37, April 2024: Margit Kranenburg, Frog test
#36, March 2024: Nienke Groskamp, Abortion in 19th-century America through the eyes of Mary Gove Nichols
#35, February 2024: Leonieke Vermeer, More than a royal vagina
#34, January 2024: Gemma Blok, Painkillers as Friends
#33, December 2023: Marieke Hendriksen, The origins of salty liquorice
#32, November 2023: Leo van Bergen, Medicine is an instrument of war: Indonesia 1946-1949 as pars pro toto
#31, October 2023: Daniella Zaidman-Mauer, The introduction of smallpox vaccination into Jewish communities in the Netherlands
#30, September 2023: Eline Van Leeuwen, Accepting the spatial potential of a problematic past
#29, June 2023: Miente Pietersma, In touch with body and mind
#28, May 2023: Hugo Schalkwijk, Bridging the gap between histories of nursing and medicine
#27, April 2023: Arjan Nuijten, Oral history as a necessity and a solution in the digital world
#26, March 2023: Jasper Bongers, COVID, Schimmelpenninck and citizenship
#25, February 2023: Irene Geerts, S.O.S. - Save our sources!
#24, January 2023: Lisa Vanderheyden, What makes human remains?
#23, December 2022: Arie Nieuwenhuijzen Kruseman, Ivory manikin of a pregnant woman: ex voto or anatomical model?
#22, November 2022: Kaat Wils, A Belgian priest visiting Jean-Martin Charcot in Paris
#21, October 2022: Herbert Mattie, In search of Doctor Zero
#20, September 2022: Nannie Wiegman, A reincarnation of a nursing conference
#19, August 2022: Mark Beumer, Divine healing
#18, June 2022: James Kennaway, Just a scratch
#17, May 2022: Maaike Hommes, Knowbody knows
#16, April 2022: Joost Vijselaar, A problematic legacy
#15, March 2022: Chloé Conickx, Scientific expertise under pressure
#14, February 2022: Rina Knoeff, Policy making without history is blind
#13, January 2022: Floor Haalboom, Feeding fish to factory farms
#12, December 2021: Robert Vonk, Why history doesn't matter for policy making
#11, November 2021: Trude Dijkstra, Chinese medicine in early modern Western European print
#10, October 2021: Hieke Huistra, Fathers in labour
#9, September 2021: Martijn van der Meer, Safeguarding a healthy future
#8, August 2021: Catharina Th. Bakker, Studying Fré Dommisse
#7, June 2021: Lisanne Walma, An open access archive for the history of drug cultures
#6, May 2021: FORCE team Utrecht University, Forensic culture, a comparative approach
#5, April 2021: Eva Andersen, Going beyond the scientific persona of the psychiatrist
#4, March 2021: Noortje Jacobs, Waste or want
#3, February 2021: Mieneke te Hennepe, The importance of tracing objects
#2, January 2021: Joris Vandendriessche, Faith, medicine, and religion
#1, December 2020: Frank Huisman, Welcome to History Health & Healing
HHH activities archive
Winter meeting 2025: Medical history meets disability studies
Spring meeting 2024: Medical biography: A contested genre?
Autumn meeting 2023: Farewell symposium for Prof. Frank Huisman
Spring meeting 2023: Framing statistics? Medical history meets historical demography
Autumn meeting 2022: Policing pandemics: Medical history meets policymaking
Spring meeting 2022: Medical museums: material sources in medical history
Autumn meeting 2021: Medical history meets global health
Spring meeting 2021: History from below revisited
Workshop 2021: Patients' files and privacy
Autumn meeting 2020: Masterclass The science of sexual desire with Jacob Stegenga
Spring meeting 2020: 'Public health' in the Middle Ages - Healthscaping Urban Europe
Autumn meeting 2019: New research
Inaugural and farewell lectures
Frank Huisman, UMC Utrecht, 8 September 2023: Van Thorbecke tot zorginfarct: pleidooi voor health literacy, burgerschap en een actieve staat
Rina Knoeff, University of Groningen, 30 June 2023: Old as Methuselah? Supercentenarians, Narrative Wisdom, and the Importance of History for Health
Johan Mackenbach, Erasmus MC, 23 October 2020: Opkomst en neergang van ziekten, en andere paradoxen van de vooruitgang
Manon Parry, VU University, 8 October 2020: Being human, The contemporary relevance of medical heritage
Gemma Blok, Open University, 16 November 2018: De roes als metafoor, Het debat over drank en drugs na 1800
Frank Huisman, Utrecht University, 1 November 2007: Het blijft mensenwerk. Over geschiedenis en geneeskunde
Joost Vijselaar, Utrecht University, 23 May 2007: Psyche en elektriciteit
PhD theses
Jon Verriet, Representing the Healthy Lifestyle. Contested Ideas about Nutrition and Physical Exercise in the Netherlands, 1940-2020 (2022)
Berrie van der Molen, Talking XTC. Drug discourse in post-war Dutch newspaper and radio debates (2022)
Roland Bertens, Liberal solidarity, Guaranteeing access to Dutch health care under the banner of private initiative (2021)
Eva Andersen, A republic of alienists? A transnational perspective on psychiatric knowledge circulation across Europe, 1843-1925 (2021)
Joris Roosen, The Black Death and recurring plague during the late Middle Ages in the County of Hainaut, Differential impact and diverging recovery (2020)
Flora Lysen, Brainmedia, One hundred years of performing live brains, 1920-2020 (2020)
Lisanne Walma, Between Morpheus and Mary, The public debate on morphine in Dutch newspapers, 1880-1939 (2020)
Martje aan de Kerk, Madness and the city, Interactions between the mad, their families and urban society in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht, 1600-1795 (2019)
Ruben Verwaal, Fluid bodies, Physiology and chemistry in the eighteenth-century Boerhaave School (2018)
Janna Coomans, In pursuit of a healthy city, Sanitation and the common good in the late medieval Low Countries (2018)
Noortje Jacobs, Ethics by committee, Governing human experimentation in the Netherlands, 1945-2000 (2018)
Floor Haalboom, Negotiating zoonoses, Dealings with infectious diseases shared by humans and livestock in The Netherlands, 1898-2001 (2017)
Kees Simon, De wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen in de radiologie en radiotherapie binnen de geneeskunde in Nederland 1896-1922 (2015)
Timo Bolt, A doctor's order, The Dutch case of evidence-based medicine (1970-2015) (2015)
Kees-Jan van Klaveren, Het onafhankelijkheidssyndroom, Een cultuurgeschiedenis van het naoorlogse Nederlandse zorgstelsel (2015)
Joris Vandendriessche, Medische wetenschap in de stad. De wetenschappelijke praktijken en stedelijke inbedding van medische genootschappen in België, 1830-1914 (2014)
Hieke Huistra, Preparations on the move, The Leiden anatomical collections in the nineteenth century (2013)
Cecile aan de Stegge, Gekkenwerk, De ontwikkeling van het beroep psychiatrisch verpleegkundige in Nederland 1830-1980 (2012)
Karin Bakker, Geld voor GGZ, De financiering van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg en de invloed van geld op de zorgpraktijk (1884-1984) (2009)
Gemma Blok, Baas in eigen brein, 'Antipsychiatrie' in Nederland, 1965-1985 (2004)
Joost Vijselaar, De magnetische geest, Het dierlijk magnetisme 1770-1830 (2001)
Rina Knoeff, Herman Boerhaave (1668-1738), Calvinist chemist and physician (2000)
Frank Huisman, Stadsbelang en standsbesef. Gezondheidszorg en medisch beroep in Groningen 1500-1730 (1992)
Marten van Wijhe, From Stupefaction to Narcosis, A study of the development of inhalation anaesthesia in the surgical department of the Leiden Academic Hospital (1991)
Have you written a PhD thesis on a medical historical subject? Please send a reference (preferably with a link) to and we will add it here.