Funding opportunities on history of medicine and of nursing
Two medical history foundations, the Stichting Zuster Vernède and the Stichting Historia Medicinae, have an upcoming funding deadline on March 1st. Zuster Vernède offers funding for publications, conferences or project…
Read MoreJob vacancy: Hagströmer fellowship in the history of medicine
The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library of Karolinska Institutet and the Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation are now accepting applications for the 2023 Hagströmer Fellowship. The Hagströmer Fellowship is a residential fellowship…
Read MoreFunding opportunities by Stichting Zuster Vernède
The Zuster Vernède foundation offers funding for research on the history of nursing and care. You can apply with your project in one of three different categories: Academic research subsidy…
Read MoreNew website St Historia Medicinae
The Stichting Historia Medicinae (Historia Medicinae Foundation) has completely renewed their website and logo. Read more about the kind of projects the foundation funds or visit their website directly.
Read MoreSt Historia Medicinae: funding for medical history activities
The Stichting Historia Medicinae (Historia Medicinae Foundation) supports activities in the field of medical history in The Netherlands: publication of a monograph (PhD thesis or otherwise) publication of an edited…
Read MoreNew funds and thesis award for history of nursing
The Stichting Zuster Vernède (Sister Vernède Foundation) funds activities and projects focussing on the history of nursing and care in The Netherlands. The goal of the foundation is to stimulate…
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