CfP for special issue “The yield of Corona”

Has the pandemic had an impact on the field of history? What has corona taught the discipline of history? And how can history change our view of corona?

The Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis will devote a special issue to these questions in 2023. Contributions in the form of short (approx. 3000 words), previously unpublished reflections are welcome. The aim is not to strive for historical exhaustiveness but to start from a few leading publications in one’s field, including medical history, applied history, historical demography, disaster studies, science and politics, welfare history, migration history, theoretical history, life writings, heritage and museums, urban history, and other fields that have felt the impact of corona.

Authors interested in submitting can contact one of the editors, Prof. dr. Tim Soens ( or Dr. Leonieke Vermeer ( to discuss the proposed contribution. (Note that the call is in Dutch, but authors writing in English can inquire with the editors).

For more information on the call, please visit this page.

Deadline for contributions proposals: February 28, 2023.