Healing Powers Elixir, Medicinal Waters, Precious Stones and their Use in Medicine and Alchemy (1300-1500) Conference
Conference Description
The rich cultural and intellectual exchange between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in the Occitan-Catalan region created a unique environment that greatly influenced the development of medical alchemy. At the heart of the alchemical school that flourished in this region were the so-called Fraticelli, or ‘Spiritual Franciscans’, who opposed changes to the rule of St Francis of Assisi with regards to poverty, the most prominent of whom was John of Rupescissa (1320-1366), along with figures associated with the movement such as Pseudo-Llull and Pseudo-Arnau (first half of the 14th century), as well as Francesc Eiximenis (1330-1409). Recent contributions to Rupescissa’s Liber lucis by Lawrence Principe and others have provided new insights into processes such as the extraction of plant and mineral essences, which had an impact centuries later, influencing, among others, the same Paracelsus (1493-1541).
Conference Articulation
The conference spans two days and includes three main sessions:
1. Circulation of Alchemical Knowledge
The session looks at the uses and applications of alchemical knowledge across Europe, especially the literature on secrets, remedies (elixir, stones, waters, theriac), and ideas (radical moisture and rejuvenation). Highlights of this session include the presentation of a Catalan digital corpus focusing on the development of alchemy and medicine during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (Occitan, Iberian, and Italic areas).
2. Cross-Cultural Dynamics
This session explores the spreading, influence, and hybridisation of alchemical knowledge with other disciplines, such as medicine, botany, natural history, theology, etc.
3. Experimental Recreation of Historical Practices and Remedies
Inspired by recent works by William R. Newman and others, which have demonstrated the viability of reproducing historical alchemical practices based on printed and manuscript sources, this session is devoted to exploring projects or research methods that look at alchemical practices from an experimental viewpoint.
For more information about this event, the programme and how to register, visit this website.