HHH spring meeting: Framing statistics?
Medical history meets historical demography
On the 10th of March, the History Health and Healing network will meet with historical demography! This meeting will take place at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, where professor dr. Jan Kok, professor in economic, social and demographic history, will give a word of welcome. The keynote will be given by dr. Evelien Walhout, assistant professor in economic and social history at Leiden University, who has a particular interest in both historical demography and gender history. The programme follows with sessions which cover a range of topics where medical historians and historical demographers can learn from each other. Among the confirmed speakers are also Leo van Bergen, Gemma Blok, Daniel Curtis, Ralf Futselaar, Johan Mackenbach, Mayra Murkens, Paul Puschmann, Björn Quanjer and Martijn van der Meer. We will conclude with drinks in the Cultuur Café, which hopefully will spark new collaborations and inspiration!
Date and time
Friday 10 March, ca. 13.00 – 17.30 h.
Radboud University
Erasmusgebouw (Erasmus Building)
Erasmusplein 1, 6525 HT Nijmegen
Welcome in Zaal E2.54 (room E2.54)
Parking: Heyendaalseweg 141 (parking garage Gymnasion)
Registration: Send an e-mail to historyhealthhealing@gmail.com (and please also indicate your preferences for the parallel sessions: a or b and c or d). As always, participation is free.
13.00 – 13.15 h. Word of welcome: Jan Kok (Radboud University)
13.15 – 14.00 h. Key Note lecture by Evelien Walhout
Silent witnesses. On the language of health and disease, power and identity, doctors and patients.
This keynote will focus on the inclusion of qualitative methods (or rather a mixed methods approach) in historical demography by using the concept of language. The measurement of health and disease through words (causes of death) will be discussed as well as the need for the study of medical texts, analysing the language of doctors and patients, and the urgency of oral history projects. Oral history should take an intersectional approach to include categories of identity and power such as class, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, (dis)ability, and regional origin.
Evelien Walhout (Leiden University) is an assistant professor of economic and social history, with a special interest in historical demography and gender history.
14.00 – 15.00 h. Parallel sessions, round 1
a. Healthy migrants?
Paul Puschmann (Radboud University)
Gemma Blok (Open University)
b. “Short lives?” Inequality in health and death
Björn Quanjer (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Daniel Curtis & Bram Hilkens (Erasmus University)
15.00 – 15.30 h. Coffee / tea break
15.30 – 16. 30 h. Parallel sessions, round 2
c. Infant mortality
Mayra Murkens (Radboud University)
Martijn van der Meer (Erasmus University / Erasmus MC)
d. Colonial health in history
Dinos Sevladakis (University of Groningen)
Leo van Bergen (independent historical researcher)
16.30 – 17.00 h. Plenary closing session
Johan Mackenbach (em. Erasmus MC)
Short lecture: Omran’s ‘epidemiological transition’ 50 years on
Concluding remarks, including reflections about sessions b and c
Ralf Futselaar (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Concluding remarks, including reflections about sessios a and d
17.00 h. – ….. Drinks in the Culture Café!