PULSE network seminar on food
Seminar Programme 1st Semester 2023/2024
In collaboration with Amsterdam School of Historical Studies
28 September DISABILITY
Co-hosted with Critical Health Humanities, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Chaired by Leni Van Goidsenhoven (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Eline Pollaert and Floris Plak (Open Universiteit and Vrije Universiteit)
‘”To create a beginning, where first there was an end.” Stigma and Het
Dorp, a residential area for people with physical disabilities in Arnhem,
the Netherlands’ - Irene Geerts (Open Universiteit)
‘Anonymous – Allied – Assertive. Stigma and the origins of the Dutch
family movement in mental health, 1960-1985′
26 October MIND
- Rebecca Wynter (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
‘The case of the brick: police corruption and mental illness in 1960s
London’ - James Kennaway (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
‘Enchanted technology: mind control and sound in conspiracy theory’
30 November AIDS
- Bram Mellink & Jesse van Amelsvoort (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
‘Distorted transmission. AIDS, minority stress and understanding Dutch
(male) homosexual minorities’ collective past’ - Emma Day (University of Oxford)
‘In her hands: women’s fight against AIDS in the United States’
21 December BORREL
25 January FOOD
Co-hosted with Environment and Society, Universiteit van Amsterdam
Chaired by Peter van Dam (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- Lisa Haushofer (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
‘The nineteenth-century origins of processed foods’ - Ashok Malhotra (Queen’s University, Belfast)
‘Laboratory surveillance: dietary experiments on rats in British India,
Universiteit van Amsterdam / Bushuis E1.02 / Last Thursday of each month 15:30-17:00