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Rethinking alcohol and drugs: Global transformations / local practices in history

On June 15-17, 2022, the Alcohol and Drugs History Society holds its biennial conference in Mexico City entitled “Rethinking alcohol and drugs: Global transformations / local practices in history”.

As jurisdictions around the world begin relaxing regulations on psychoactive substances including cannabis and psychedelics, the consequences of an era of prohibition call out for historical scrutiny. The politics of prohibition have plagued the history of alcohol and drugs, while scholars have examined points of contradiction, friction, resistance, and even opportunities created by restricting some substances and encouraging others. Participants are invited to ‘rethink’ this history, drawing inspiration from new sources, methods, and historical actors to deepen our understanding of the historical significance of alcohol and drugs.

Deadline CfP: January 7, 2022.
All information is on the conference website.