Webinar: Problematising prophylaxis: Tuberculosis and the BCG vaccine in American Colonial Philippines
onlineExamination of contested views on effective tuberculosis prevention in the American Colonial Philippines. This presentation explores the contested views on effective tuberculosis prevention in the American Colonial Philippines. Its target audience is students and staff interested in the history of tuberculosis prevention, as well as the broader history of colonial medicine. From the mid to…
DECOLONISE – Seminar series Pulse Network
AmsterdamIt's a new semester, so the Pulse Network - Medical & Health Humanities at University of Amsterdam is organising a new seminar series. Follow Pulse on LinkedIn for more details on each month's speakers and topics. First seminar on 27 February: Arya Thampuran of Durham University, co-lead of the Black Health and the Humanities Network…
Lecture Roger Luckhurst: A History of the Hospital Corridor: Madness and Civilisation
Leuven/OnlineKU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…
Platform Erfgoed van de Geest – een bloeiend erfgoed in gevaar!
Amersfoort/onlineBij deze bijeenkomst deelt de Rijksdienst voor Cultureel Erfgoed haar visie op het belang van erfgoed van de geest en laat zien wat je kunt doen als je zelf dit soort erfgoed in huis hebt. Diverse sprekers delen inspirerende voorbeelden en ervaringen. Het doel is om hiermee het draagvlak te vergroten, betrokkenheid te creëren en…
Lecture Simon De Nys-Ketels: “At least the Belgians built hospitals!”: Myths and Realities of the Belgian ‘Medical Model Colony’
Leuven/OnlineKU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…
10th PhD Conference in the History of Science, Medicine, and the Humanities
Eibergen; CfP 1 December 2024The organizers of the Tenth PhD Conference in the History of Science, Medicine, and the Humanities—a biennial event by and for PhD researchers from universities in Belgium and the Netherlands—are seeking contributions! The conference will be held over two days, on 9-10 April 2025. PhD researchers from Belgium and the Netherlands working in field of…
Boekpresentatie: De prinses die mij warm houdt. Kroniek van een oorlogshospitaal (Leo van Bergen)
DoornOp 11 april zal het nieuwe boek (fictie) van Leo van Bergen worden gepresenteerd: De prinses die mij warm houdt. Kroniek van een oorlogshospitaal. Over vijf verpleegsters in een WOI-hospitaal, een oude ruïne die liefkozend ‘ons kasteel’ wordt genoemd. Het eerste exemplaar zal worden aangeboden Diederik van Vleuten. Lees meer over dit boek/project op deze…
Lecture Alyson Patsavas: Sites of Intervention: Disability and the (Built) Environment in Imagined Futures
Leuven/OnlineKU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…
Lecture Cleo Valentine: Architectural Neuroimmunology: Examining the Impact of Architectural Form on Neurophysiological Activity
Leuven/OnlineKU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…
Symposium Creative-Critical Approaches to the Health Humanities
Amsterdam; CfP 10 March 2025On Friday 9th May 2025 the symposium Creative-Critical Approaches to the Health Humanities is held in Perdu, Amsterdam CALL FOR PAPERS The emerging field of 'health humanities' has been arguing for and highlighting the value of different and complementary perspectives on health, medicine and disability from fields ranging from literature and anthropology to sociology, philosophy and…
International workshop: Contested Industrialisation of Food Systems in the Unequal Anthropocene
Utrecht; CfP 1 december 2024Contested Industrialisation of Food Systems in the Unequal Anthropocene: Critical Histories of Agriculture- and Food-Affiliated Industries from a Global Perspective (1945-present) International workshop, May 15-16, 2025 Location: Utrecht University, the Netherlands Organizers: dr. Floor Haalboom (Erasmus University Medical Center/Utrecht University), Amber Striekwold MA (Utrecht University), Anna Teijeiro Fokkema MA (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) This workshop aims…
TONGUES: Medical Humanities across linguistic and cultural frontiers (NNMHR Congress)
Online; CfP 31 December 2024TONGUES: Medical Humanities across linguistic and cultural frontiers The Northern Network for Medical Humanities (NNMHR) Congress, 21-23 May 2025 (online) Organisers: Benjamin Dalton, Alexander Wragge-Morley, and Stephanie Wright In recent years, the medical humanities have increasingly looked beyond western medical perspectives, and canonical western works of art and literature. The attempt to decentre western viewpoints…