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Precision Reconsidered: Scientific Instruments, Culture and Access

Ottawa; deadline CfP March 31, 2024

Concepts of precision permeate the field of scientific instruments. Historians, curators and other scholars in the humanities have studied the rich and diverse material culture associated with precision, as well as explored multiple meanings, values and cultural dimensions of the pursuit of precision. The etymology of the word “precision” (from Latin praecidere – “to cut…

Stories of Medics and Medicine – A One Day Conference in Memory of Giuseppe Ongaro


Organised by Fabrizio Bigotti and Fabiola Zurlini Keynote Speakers Dániel Margócsy Vivian Nutton Luana Salvarani Fabio Zampieri 27 September 2024 Ongaro's life and work are a testament to scholarly dedication, resilience and pioneering research in the history of medicine. Ongaro masterfully balanced his roles in the medical and academic fields, making seminal contributions that have…

Intoxicated Warfare: Psychoactive Substances, Violence and Trauma

Grand Rapids; deadline CfP May 15, 2024

This conference focuses on the numerous forms of drug use in wars throughout history, and it considers the aims and effects of these drugs, including enhancement, stimulation, control, remedy, cover-up, escape, or numbing the side effects of perpetration or experience of violence. Intoxicated Warfare: Psychoactive Substances, Violence and Trauma Since ancient times, drugs have been…

A Perfect Death? Historical, Literary, and Philosophical Reflections on Life, Death, and Remembrance in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Leuven; deadline CfP February 20, 2024

We are pleased to announce the two-day conference “A Perfect Death? Historical, Literary, and Philosophical Reflections on Life, Death, and Remembrance in Greco-Roman Antiquity”, which will take place in person on 15-16 October 2024 at KU Leuven (Belgium). We invite scholars and researchers working on Greek and Latin literature, ancient history, and ancient philosophy to…

Healing Powers Elixir, Medicinal Waters, Precious Stones and their Use in Medicine and Alchemy (1300-1500) Conference


Conference Description The rich cultural and intellectual exchange between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in the Occitan-Catalan region created a unique environment that greatly influenced the development of medical alchemy. At the heart of the alchemical school that flourished in this region were the so-called Fraticelli, or ‘Spiritual Franciscans’, who opposed changes to the…

Writing the Self in Pain – Historical Perspectives

Helsinki; deadline CfP May 31, 2024

Pain as an affective, simultaneously sensory and emotional experience has made a prominent entrance into historical inquiries during the past two decades. Inquiries into what caused pain, how it was managed and endured, and how pain was constructed through the interaction of language, culture, society, body, and mind, have broadened our view of the experiential and…

Narratio in Medicine and The Law. Interpretative and Scientific Knowledge in Medical and Medico-Legal Case Histories from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Pisa, online; deadline CfP May 30, 2024

This VivaMente conference explores the intersections of narrative, rhetorical persuasion, and factual evidence in medical and medico-legal case histories from Antiquity to the Renaissance focusing on the longue durée development of medical and medico-legal consilia.  The event emerges out of the organisers’ research projects on diagnosis (King) and legal medicine (Papakonstantinou). It will allow participants to analyse both…

Mini conference 40 years abortion legislation in the Netherlands


Legal abortion access and provision cannot be taken for granted. While some states have made abortion illegal again today, there are also states that – on the contrary – ensure this right by putting it into their constitution. Histories of legal abortion and journeys towards it matter and they need to be remembered and acknowledged.…

Medical Modernities: Panel in the Society of Classical Studies 156th Annual Meeting

Philadelphia; deadline CfP March 15, 2024

Panel Sponsored by the Society for Ancient Medicine Society of Classical Studies 156th Annual Meeting When reflecting on the causes for the errors in Galen’s writings, the medieval Islamicate physician-philosopher Abū Bakr al-Rāzī (d. c. 925 CE) proposes in his Doubts about Galen (Koetschet 2019) that the ‘arts never cease progressing towards and approaching perfection’.…

XX Biannual Conference of the German-Polish Society for the History of Medicine

Düsseldorf; deadline Call for Abstracts: February 15, 2025

European dissertation cultures in medicine At the core of this twentieth conference is the doctoral dissertation within the medical terrain. The Latin word dissertatio means argument or detailed discussion, making this classic form of scholarly publishing an ideal subject for longitudinal historical analysis. It allows the comparative study of academic discourse. Originally, the dissertation was…