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Lecture Pleuntje Jellema: The Roles of Cancer Care Facilities in Users’ Well-being: Foregrounding the Built Environment and Learning Lessons for Design


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…

Lezing: Van epidemieën tot gezondheidsongelijkheid: lessen uit Amsterdam (1850-1950)


Ziektes zoals tuberculose, cholera en pokken teisterden niet alleen onze voorouders, maar onthullen ook verrassend veel over sociale ongelijkheden die tot op de dag van vandaag relevant zijn. Tijdens deze lezing neemt dr. Tim Riswick je mee in een boeiend onderzoek naar sterfte en ziekte tussen 1850 en 1950. Dankzij recent gedigitaliseerde bronnen, tot stand…

Lecture Roger Luckhurst: A History of the Hospital Corridor: Madness and Civilisation


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…

Lecture Simon De Nys-Ketels: “At least the Belgians built hospitals!”: Myths and Realities of the Belgian ‘Medical Model Colony’


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…

Lecture Alyson Patsavas: Sites of Intervention: Disability and the (Built) Environment in Imagined Futures


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…

Lecture Cleo Valentine: Architectural Neuroimmunology: Examining the Impact of Architectural Form on Neurophysiological Activity


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…

Lecture Karin Bijsterveld: The ‘Return’ of the Retirement Home: Anthropology, Architecture and Policy Analysis in the Historiography of Postwar Housing for Older People in the Netherlands


KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for worse, our constructed physical space – the so-called built environment – impacts on our behaviours, our social interactions, and our…