Job vacancy: PhD Care for Young Children and Gendered Division of Labour – Utrecht University
The department of History and Art History at Utrecht University is looking for a PhD on Care for Young Children and Gendered Division of Labour (36 to 40 hours per week).
The PhD position is connected to the SCOOP research centre on sustainable cooperation. The PhD candidate will be working on a project entitled “Sticky Practices: The co-evolution of early years childcare, parental leave and women’s labour force participation” under the supervision of Sarah Carmichael, Robert Vonk and Tanja van der Lippe. The project aims to look at how the care of young children is arranged, and what this means for gendered division of labour.
The PhD candidate will conduct research into the history of childcare services and norms using a variety of sources and case-studies but with the Dutch case as the point of departure. In practice this means you will:
- conduct research in archives in the Netherlands as well as abroad;
- establish a systematic collection of data on childcare norms, policies and financial arrangements;
- attend and prepare material for PhD training sessions offered via SCOOP as well as via the Posthumus institute;
- present research findings and national and international conferences;
- help with knowledge dissemination activities of the findings of the project both within and outside academia;
- publish peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.
Your qualities
- You hold a Master’s degree in a relevant field (e.g history, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science or related discipline but with experience in historical research) at the time of taking up the appointment.
- You have excellent command of spoken and written English.
- Preferably you have a working knowledge of written Dutch in order to be able to conduct research on Dutch source material.
- Experience conducting historical archival research is an asset.
- Basic knowledge of statistics would be helpful but not a prerequisite.
- You are able to work independently as well as within a team setting and take initiative where needed.
For all information on the project and to find out how to apply, please visit this page.
Deadline for applications: 7 July 2024.
For more information, please contact Dr Sarah Carmichael at