Meet the new HHH web editor Chiara Lacroix
Farewell message from the current web editor, Irene Geerts
About two years ago I was invited by the HHH board to join them and create a website for the network. And now I am stepping down as your web editor: I am entering the final year of my PhD project on the history of the Dutch family movement in psychiatry at the Open University of The Netherlands, and feeling the pressure of the upcoming deadline of my thesis. Initially, I announced my wish to do so with a heavy heart, as I have enjoyed this position so much and wasn’t quite ready to let it go yet: working with the other board members, communicating with all of you, and seeing our network thrive and grow. But since I started working with Chiara Lacroix, who is taking over the job, I feel very confident that the website and newsletter are going to be in capable hands, and I am looking forward to see how she will take them further. So please keep sending your news, your publications, your suggestions and your questions to Chiara. Of course I will be happy to stay on as a regular member of HHH, so I hope to keep seeing you in HHH meetings and catch up!
Introduction from the upcoming web editor, Chiara Lacroix
It is my pleasure to take over as the new HHH web editor. When I first discovered the network, I was surprised by how lively the website was and how connected the wider medical history community appeared. Now I know that this is, in no small part, thanks to Irene’s work. Taking on her role feels a little daunting, but I am eager to start publishing the newsletter, updating the website, and participating in the next HHH meetings. In fact, you could say that as the HHH network grows, I will grow too. In September, I will start my PhD at the European University Institute in Florence, working on an Italian-Dutch project on the right to bodily integrity. As I will be located in a different country, I feel a strong need to keep in contact with the Dutch medical history field. What better way to achieve this than helping to manage the HHH network? Above all, I look forward to reading and hearing what all of you are working on. So, as Irene mentioned, do not hesitate to email me with any news or questions, at