
HHH’s members are academic researchers of medical history with varying research interests. Currently, HHH has about 150 members. Members can add their names, research interests and profile pages or personal websites to this network page, inviting others with similar interests to get in touch. Are you a member and would you like to add your profile? Please send us your details. Not a member yet? Join HHH by clicking the button.

Cecile aan de Stegge
Researcher/lecturer, University of Applied Sciences Leiden; Secretary board Stichting Historisch Verpleegkundig Bezit/Collectie Verpleegkundig Erfgoed
Research interests:
History of (mental health) nursing, History and philosophy of psychiatry and neurology, Health care policy and financing

Jos Aarts
Assistant professor (retired), Erasmus University Rotterdam; Adjunct associate professor, University of Victoria, Canada; MSc student, Utrecht University
Research interests: Health informatics, History of science, History of medicine

Pieter R. Adriaens
Associate professor, Institute of Philosophy & Leuven Centre for Health Humanities, KU Leuven
Research interests: Philosophy of psychiatry, History of psychiatry, Philosophy of sexology

Eva Andersen
Post-doc researcher, University of Antwerp
Research interests: History of psychiatry, History of knowledge, Transnational history

Camille Bajeux
PhD candidate, University of Geneva
Research interests: Sexual and reproductive sciences in the 20th century, History of masculinities and gender, History of andrology

Catharina Th. Bakker
Self-employed historian and publicist; Board member Stichting Zuster Vernède
Research interests: History of medicine, health care and psychiatry (with a strong preference for biographical research)

Lucie Bastiaens
PhD candidate, Maastricht University; Curator art & heritage, Open University
Research interests: History of public health, Mother-child care, Mental health care, Local history

Richard Bellis
Associate lecturer in medical ethics, University of St Andrews
Research interests: Anatomy, Disease, Museums

Elif Bengüsu Arık
Independent researcher
Research interests: History of medicine, History of senses, Ottoman history of medicine

Arie Berghout
Retired consultant of medicine and endocrinology, Maasstad Ziekenhuis Rotterdam
Research interests: History of medicine from below, History of internal medicine, Biography

Mark Beumer
PhD candidate Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine, Prague
Research interests:
Temple sleep/incubation, Ritual Studies, Ancient medicine

Nele Beyens
Assistant professor, Open University
Research interests: History of healthcare, Biographical research, The patient’s perspective

Gemma Blok
Professor of history of mental health and culture, Open University
Research interests: Cultural history of alcohol and drug use, History of psychiatry and addiction treatment, Health social movements in history

Freek Boey
Project manager Vesalius, KU Leuven
Research interests: Health in the future, Collections, Public science

Timo Bolt
Associate professor, Erasmus MC, Department of medical ethics, philosophy and history
Research interests: Modern and contemporary History of (public) health and disease(s), (Evidence based) medicine, Psychiatry

Jasper Bongers
PhD candidate, Open University
Research interests: Citizenship, Hygiene, Health social movements in history

Eelco Boss
PhD candidate, Open University
Research interests: History of social work, History of youth care, Military history

Jan Bosteels
Professor of obstetrics, Imelda Hospital Bonheiden
Research interests: Obstetrics, Medicine and surgery during the French Revolution, Medicine and surgery during the Napoleonic Wars

Hannelore Braeken
PhD candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: Disability History, Culture and Health, Oral History

Hilde Bras
Aletta Jacobs Chair of Economic and Social History with special attention to Global Demography and Health, University of Groningen
Research interests: Missionary medicine, History of nursing, Historical demography, Gender history

Jurjen Breedijk
Independent occupational physician
Research interests: (History of) occupational medicine, (History of) occupational diseases, Bernardino Ramazzini

Jess Chang
PhD Candidate, TU Delft
Research interests: History of healthcare architecture, History of nursing, Labour and workplace

Tinne Claes
Post-doc researcher, KU Leuven
Research interests: History of medicine, gender and sexuality, Oral history

Bianca Angelien Claveria
PhD candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: Philippine History, History of Medicine, Environmental History

Chloé Conickx
PhD candidate, Ghent University
Research interests: Early modern (French) History of medicine, History of Enlightenment science, Philosophy of science

Janna Coomans
Post-doc researcher, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: Medieval public health, Urban history of the premodern Low Countries, Histories of disease and environments

Juanita De Barros
Associate professor, McMaster University
Research interests: Caribbean history, Gender, Reproductive health and policies

Hanneke de Boer
PhD candidate, University of Groningen
Research interests: History of menopause, history of science, women's and gender history

Tim Debroyer
PhD candidate, KU Leuven
Research interests: History of medical care, History of patient sociability, Oral history

Sarah De Mul
Professor of literature, culture and diversity, Open University
Research interests: Literature, Burn-out, Gender and diversity

Diedelot Denessen
PhD candidate, University of Groningen
Research interests: Psychosomatic medicine, lovesickness, enlightenment medicine

Theo Dekker
PhD candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: Early modern history of medicine and epidemics

Annemarie de Knecht-van Eekelen
Independent medical historian
Research interests: 19th and 20th century history of nutrition, Hygiene, Radiology

Hannah de Korte
PhD candidate, KU Leuven
Research interests: Environmental history, History of colonial healthcare, History of disease

Pauline Dirven
PhD candidate, Utrecht University
Research interests: History of the body, Performances of expertise, History of forensic medicine and science

David Dijkman
Graduate student, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: Intersection between the history of religion, spirituality and esotericism and the history of medicine (medieval/early modern period), Intellectual history of the psychological faculty of the imagination, Anti-Psychiatry movements

Nathanje Dijkstra
PhD candidate, Utrecht University
Research interests: History of disability, Incapacity to work, Social security legislation

Trude Dijkstra
Post-doc researcher, The Warburg Institute, University of London
Research interests: Asian medicine in early modern Europe, early modern medical printing

Astrid Fintelman
Self-employed medical history researcher; Board member NVMG
Research interests: History of medicine, History of hospitals and medical institutions

Christine Merie Fox
Research and writing advisor, University Medical Center Utrecht
Research interests: Medieval and early modern (English) Institutional care, Elderly care, Women's care

Isabella Galanaki
Medical and Health Humanities MA student, Vrije Universiteit
Research interests: Medical history, (medical) museums, medical heritage

Irene Geerts
PhD candidate, Open University
Research interests: Modern and contemporary History of psychiatry, History of health social movements, History from below

Jolien Gijbels
Post-doc researcher, KU Leuven
Research interests: History of medical ethics, History of surgery, History of reproductive health

Fernando Gonzalez Rodriguez
Research fellow, KU Leuven
Research interests: Visual culture and health, History of biomedical language, Pharmaceuticals and phytopharmaceuticals in media spaces

Paul Guijt
Independent medical historian
Research interests: History of the patient’s role, advocacy, and engagement

Floor Haalboom
Assistant professor, Erasmus MC, Department of medical ethics, philosophy and history
Research interests: Modern and contemporary Environmental and medical history, Veterinary medicine, One Health

Kim Hajek
Post-doc researcher, Leiden University
Research interests: Textual practices in psychology, History of hypnosis and suggestion, Literature and medicine/science

Yuliya Hilevych
Assistant professor, University of Groningen
Research interests:
Reproductive and maternal health, Health activism, (De)population

Karen Hollewand
Lecturer, University of Groningen
Research interests:
History of sexuality, History of (early modern) scholarship, History of the body

Maaike Hommes
PhD candidate GCSC, Justus Liebig University; Affiliated guest researcher, University of Amsterdam, ASCA
Research interests: (History of) psychosomatic medicine, History of psychiatry/medicine, Feminist theory

Timo Houtekamer
PhD candidate, European University Institute
Research interests: History of psychiatry, History of knowledge, Diagnosis

Frank Huisman
Professor in the history of medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht
Research interests: History of the Dutch health care system, Dutch vaccination culture, Governance in global health

Hieke Huistra
Assistant professor, Utrecht University
Research interests:
History of birth and death, History of fatness, Anatomical collections

Noortje Jacobs
Assistant professor, Erasmus MC, Department of medical ethics, philosophy and history
Research interests: Modern and contemporary history of medical ethics, research integrity, the medical body and the body politic, Governance of medicine and science, History of peer review and research funding

Angélique Janssens
Professor of historical demography, Radboud University Nijmegen/Maastricht University
Research interests: Historical demography, History of mortality, Historical causes of death

James Kennaway
Assistant professor, University of Groningen
Research interests:
History of medicine, History of psychiatry, History of surgery

Rina Knoeff
Professor of health and humanities, University of Groningen, Department of Early Modern History
Research interests: Early modern physiology and anatomy, Lifestyle medicine, Health Humanities

Femke Kok
Associate professor, Open University, Faculty of Cultural Studies
Research interests: History of epistemic oppression related to mental health, Concepts of ‘health’, ‘(dis)ability’, ‘disorder’ in the history of philosophy

Vincent Korbee
RMA History student, Leiden & History and Philosophy of Science student, Utrecht University
Research interests: History of psychiatry, Medical classifications, Cultural history of medicine

Margit Kranenburg
Independent medical historian
Research interests: History of public health, History of health care systems, Health in literature and politics

Chiara Lacroix
PhD candidate, European University Institute
Research interests: Health and aesthetics, History of the body, Ideas about human difference

Jan Lind
Consultant of medicine and gynaecologist, Haaglanden Ziekenhuis The Hague
Research interests: History of gynaecology and obstetrics, History of pre-eclampsia, Dutch 17th century Golden Age

Tanja Lips
CEO, Dialyse Centrum Groningen / BA student History, University of Groningen
Research interests: History of healthcare and health governance/leadership, History of health from below, Medical heritage

Bart Lutters
PhD candidate, UMC Utrecht
Research interests: History of the neuro disciplines in the twentieth century, History of medical technology, Interdisciplinary research methods

Flora Lysen
Post-doc researcher, Maastricht University
Research interests: History of computer-aided decision making in medicine, History of the brain and mind sciences, History of medical imaging

Chenjixue Ma
RMA student, University of Groningen
Research interests: Visual art in medicine and healthcare, Art and older adults, Curation and museum studies

Johan Mackenbach
Professor em. of public health, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam
Research interests: History of population health, History of hospitals, History of public health

Peter Jan Margry
Professor of European ethnology, University of Amsterdam / Meertens Institute
Research interests: Alternative/complementary healing practices, Religious healing practices, Ritual

Herbert Mattie
Independent art historian and artist
Research interests: Plague and visual arts, Depictions of plague workers, History of personal protective equipment

Daniella Mauer
PhD candidate, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: History of medicine, Pandemics, Judaism, Early modern history

Mayra Murkens
Postdoc, Radboud University
Research interests: History of mortality, History of public health, Social inequality

Sanne Muurling
Post-doc researcher, Radboud University
Research interests: History of everyday life, Social inequality, Causes of death

Paul Nijs
Retired chemist, pharmacist, biologist; Author
Research interests: Prehistoric human medicines and feeding, Healing food by wild animals, History of doping in wars and sports

Arjan Nuijten
PhD candidate, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: History of drugs and drugs policy, History of public health, History of the 20th century

Monique Palma
Post-doc researcher, Center for the History of Science and Technology, NOVA.ID, CIUHCT, Lisbon
Research interests: History of medicine, Environment and health in history, Human and non human agents

Leo Palumbo
PhD student, University of Groningen
Research interests: Community engagement in health emergencies, Participatory approaches to health, Community protection in global health security

Volha Parfenchyk
Post-doc researcher, Utrecht University
Research interests: Governance of science and medicine, History of medicine, Health law

Manon Parry
Professor of medical history, VU University; Senior lecturer American studies and public history, University of Amsterdam
Research interests: History of public health, Material culture, heritage and museums, Health communication

Miente Pietersma
PhD candidate, University of Groningen
Research interests: History of the body, History of early modern practical knowledge, History of physical training

Floris Plak
PhD Candidate, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research interests: History of Disability, Independent Living, Transnational History

Laura Prins
(PhD) researcher in the history of creativity and mental illness & lecturer Art History
Research interests: History of psychiatry, Medicine & culture (art/literature), Mental health & culture

Núria Pujol Furelos
PhD candidate, University of Groningen
Research interests: Social medicine, Health humanities, Sustainable health

Alan Ralston
Psychiatrist, University Medical Center Utrecht
Research interests: Philosophy and psychiatry, History of psychiatric and medical professions, Social history of madness

Tim Riswick
Assistant professor, Radboud University
Research interests: Historical demography, History of health inequalities, Hospital history

Joris Roosen
Head research, Centre for the Social History of Limburg / Maastricht University
Research interests: Historical epidemiology, Plague/Black Death, Socio-economic history

Willemijn Ruberg
Associate professor, Utrecht University, Research Institute for History and Art History
Research interests: History of the body, History of knowledge, History of (forensic) medicine and psychiatry

Harieta Sabol
Associate professor, Department of Human and Social-Political Sciences, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava; Researcher, Bucovina Institute, Romanian Academy
Research interests: History of medicine and the health system, Social history, Imagery and identity

Hugo Schalkwijk
Researcher, Fontys Hogescholen; PhD candidate, University of Amsterdam; Curator, V&VN
Research interests: History of nursing, (Digital) collections, Heritage and museums

Caroline Schep
PhD candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: Medical history, late colonial history of Southeast Asia, History of science

Sara Serrano Martínez
PhD candidate, Utrecht University
Research interests: History and philosophy of psychiatry, History and philosophy of psychology, History and philosophy of disability

Mike van Spaandonk
Junior Lecturer & Researcher University Medical Center Utrecht
Research interests: History of public health, global health, history in medical (humanities) education

Caro Suringar
PhD Candidate, Open University
Research interests: Burnout, Mental health and wellbeing among (first-generation) students

Fenneke Sysling
Assistant professor, Leiden University, Institute for History
Research interests:
History of science, medicine and colonialism; Heritage and museums

Mieneke te Hennepe
Assistant professor, Leiden University Medical Center; Curator, Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Research interests: Material and visual culture of medicine, Medical heritage, History of skin

Leo van Bergen
Independent medical historian
Research interests: War and medicine, Colonial medicine, Medical technique

Hendrik van den Bussche
Professor em., Institute of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf
Research interests:
History of medical education and the medical profession in Nazi-Germany, History of medical research and medical faculties in Nazi-Germany, History of vaccination against measles

Eileen van der Burgh
PhD candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: History of medicine, history of public health and epidemics, Maritime history

Joris Vandendriessche
Post-doc researcher, KU Leuven
Research interests: History of scientific sociability, History of scientific publishing, History of medical care

Robert van de Graaf
Verslavingsarts/Owner MEDTCC
Research interests: 
history of (plastic) surgery, history of lifestyle and addiction, medicine and occupational health and behavioural medicine

Lisa Vanderheyden
PhD candidate, Utrecht University
Research interests: History of gynaecology, Medical museums and conservation, History of medicine in 19th and 20th century Amsterdam

Lucas van der Hoeven
Journalist specialising in healthcare and pharmaceuticals
Research interests: Psychiatry, Psychology, Pharmaceutical policy

Martijn van der Meer
PhD candidate, Erasmus University / Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam
Research interests: History of public health, Conceptual history of biology, Historical sociology of science

Antje Van Kerckhove
PhD candidate, KU Leuven
Research interests: Gender history, medical history and the history of sexuality

Lisa-Maria van Klaveren
PhD candidate, Amsterdam UMC/University of Amsterdam
Research interests: Health classifications, Embodiment, Interprofessional collaborative practice

Eline Van Leeuwen
PhD candidate, TU Eindhoven
Research interests: Architecture, Psychiatry, Patients' perspectives

Lieke van Rooij
RMA student, University of Groningen
Research interests: Health in the visual arts and objects, 17th century Dutch culture and society, Materiality and nature

Vincent Van Roy
Post-doc researcher, University of Antwerp
Research interests: History of health and medicine in the Low Countries, Circulation of medical knowledge in the early modern period, Hospital and nursing history

Jessie van Straaten
PhD Candidate, Leiden University
Research interests: Eldery and their relation to healthcare, Hospital healthcare, Children in healthcare

Paul van Trigt
University lecturer social history, Leiden University
Research interests: History of disability, Global health, Religion

Carmen Verhoeven
PhD candidate, Open University
Research interests: Literature and performing Arts, Burnout, Mental health

Leonieke Vermeer
Assistant professor, University of Groningen
Research interests: Cultural history of medicine, Life writing and (auto)biography, History of the body

Ruben Verwaal
Post-doc researcher, Durham University; Curator, Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam
Research interests: Bodily fluids, Deafness, Medical collections

Walter Verwegen
Contract student master Medical and health humanities, VU University
Research interests: Mental health, "German" golden age, Forensic psychiatry

Chris Vlam
PhD candidate, Utrecht University
Research interests: History of associations and collective action in healthcare, History of (district) nursing, History of public health

Robert Vonk
Senior advisor, Council for Public Health and Society (RVS)
Research interests: History of health care financing, History of health policy and health care organisation, History of health economics

Mia Vrijens
Researcher, Florence Nightingale Instituut - V&VN
Research interests: History of nursing specifically history of district nursing, HIV, AIDS

Suzanna Wagner
Graduate student, University of Alberta, History and Classics Department
Research interests: History of military nursing, Public health, Gendered labour in health care

Lisanne Walma
Open science and academic skills teacher, TU Delft
Research interests: History of addiction, Cultural history of narcotics, History of pharmacy

Nannie Wiegman
Independent nurse historian at Bureau Wiegman, director of Stichting Zuster Vernède
Research interests: History of (international) nursing, History of public health, History of hospitals and (digital) collections

Kaat Wils
Professor in modern European history, KU Leuven
Research interests: Therapeutic use of hypnosis, Medicine and gender, Medicine and religion in Belgium and colonial Congo