New health humanities journal: Soin, Sens et Santé

Soin, Sens et Santé – An International Journal of the Heath Humanities is a newly established journal in the field of health humanities. The journal welcomes contributions in French and English on a variety of topics, including thematic issues, research articles, interdisciplinary projects, and book reviews. 

The journal is an offshoot of the International Medical Humanities Research Network accredited by the CNRS, which brought together twelve universities in France, Europe, and the rest of the world. It also benefits from logistical and financial support from the Institut des humanités en médecine (IHM) at the University of Lausanne and the Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV).

For more information and submission guidelines, please check the website: Présentation de la revue – Soin, Sens et Santé

This first issue of the journal Soin, Sens et Santé, entitled “Diagnosis as fiction”, looks primarily at novels and plays in which what might be termed a diagnostic temptation manifests itself. Or is it at best a matter of differential diagnosis? What impact does this interpretative gesture have on the character’s status? How scientifically credible is this retrospective literary diagnosis? Can medical knowledge from outside the text enrichliterary interpretation of the text?

You can find the first edition of the journal, titled Le diagnostic comme fiction, here: 1 | 2024 – Le diagnostic comme fiction – Soin, Sens et Santé.