Online exhibition on district nursing

HHH members Mia Vrijens and Hugo Schalkwijk have created a new online exhibition for the Florence Nightingale Institute. The exhibition (in Dutch) is titled “De wijkverpleegkundige: Van alle markten thuis!” and focuses on the profession of district nursing through its history, founders, and material culture.

Short description

When you think of district nursing, you think of the tough, independent district nurse who visits patients in all kinds of weather. This exhibition shows the diversity of the profession and highlights the visibility of nurses. With tokens, awards and songs, nurses made themselves recognisable and shaped their own image. They celebrated their successes with conferences, exhibitions and educational materials. They financed themselves with proceeds from fancy fairs, membership sales and materials. This is how the independent image of district nursing was formed in the last century: the district nurse captures the imagination!

You can visit the exhibition by clicking on this link.