Seminar series on medical and philosophical physiologies
The Initiatives Sciences de l’Antiquité at Sorbonne University will host four talks on physiology in the ancient world. The programme is as follows:
- 6 November, 10h-12h – Sophia Connell (Birkbeck, University of London)
The Hippocratic Background to Aristotle’s Gynaecology
(Hybrid session)
- 7 November, 13h30-15h30
The Effect of the Constitution of Blood on Animal Character in Aristotle’s Parts of Animals
(Hybrid session)
- 22 December, 14h-16h – George Kazantzidis (University of Patras)
Bodies, Machines and Wonder-Culture in Hellenistic Medicine
- 12 January, 14h-16h – Aistė Čelkytė (Leiden University)
Counting Chickens Before They Hatch: Mathematical Explanations in Ancient Embryology
For more information on the seminars, please visit this page. To register for online or offline participation in Paris, you can send a message to the organisers listed at the bottom of the page.