St Historia Medicinae: funding for medical history activities

The Stichting Historia Medicinae (Historia Medicinae Foundation) supports activities in the field of medical history in The Netherlands:

  • publication of a monograph (PhD thesis or otherwise)
  • publication of an edited volume
  • organisation of a congress or symposium
  • development or incidental maintenance of scientific infrastructure (like an endowed chair or library services)
  • development or incidental maintenance of documentation activities (special archival collections)
  • junior researchers’ travel expenses for scientific (study) programmes in medical history
  • a scholarship programme for junior researchers

Applications for financial support and the scholarship programme are assessed by the board twice a year. The deadlines for these applications are September, 1st, and March, 1st. For more information, go to the foundation’s website.

In addition the above funding activities, Historia Medicinae supports the endowed chair in medical history at VU University (currently held by prof. dr. Manon Parry), and three medical history awards: the G.A. Lindeboom Prijs, the Pieter van Foreest Student Prize, and the EAHMH Book Award. To those who have contributed to the medical history field in an extraordinary way, the foundation incidentally awards the G.A. Lindeboompenning of merit.