Posts Tagged ‘environment’
Social practice theory and public health: microbes, bodies and environments (conference)
Open call for participants: 2 day conference on Social practice theory and public health: microbes, bodies and environments, 11th and 12th June 2025, Mary Ward House, London. This is an…
Read MoreLecture Karin Bijsterveld: The ‘Return’ of the Retirement Home: Anthropology, Architecture and Policy Analysis in the Historiography of Postwar Housing for Older People in the Netherlands
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreLecture Cleo Valentine: Architectural Neuroimmunology: Examining the Impact of Architectural Form on Neurophysiological Activity
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreLecture Alyson Patsavas: Sites of Intervention: Disability and the (Built) Environment in Imagined Futures
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreLecture Simon De Nys-Ketels: “At least the Belgians built hospitals!”: Myths and Realities of the Belgian ‘Medical Model Colony’
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreLecture Roger Luckhurst: A History of the Hospital Corridor: Madness and Civilisation
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreLecture Pleuntje Jellema: The Roles of Cancer Care Facilities in Users’ Well-being: Foregrounding the Built Environment and Learning Lessons for Design
KU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston…
Read MoreKU Leuven organises Health Humanities lecture series
KU Leuven Health Humanities Lecture Series 2024-2025: Health and the Built Environment ‘We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us’, or so Winston Churchill once said. For better or for…
Read MorePulse Network Seminar on health, the environment and food history
The first seminar of Pulse Network – Medical & Health Humanities is about health, the environment and food history featuring Noreen Masud and YingTzu Lin: Noreen Masud (University of Bristol)…
Read MoreESHS conference: Science, Technology, Humanity, and the Earth
The theme of the ESHS 2024 conference will be Science, technology, humanity, and the Earth. Science is one of the primary means by which mankind understands, represents and intervenes in the world.…
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