Posts Tagged ‘healthcare’
Robert Vonk appointed professor of the history of social welfare at Utrecht University
As of October 1, 2023, Robert Vonk has been appointed professor of the History of Social Welfare at Utrecht University. The chair focuses on the development of social welfare in…
Read MoreHHH column: Bridging the gap between histories of nursing and medicine by Hugo Schalkwijk
The HHH column is a monthly blog in which History, Health & Healing members share their thoughts on research, current affairs, or anything to do with medical history. Each edition…
Read MoreInaugural lecture by Rina Knoeff: Old as Methuselah? Supercentenarians, Narrative Wisdom and the Importance of History for Health
On 30 June 2023 at 4.15 p.m., Dr H.G. (Rina) Knoeff, appointed Professor of Health and Humanities at the Faculty of Arts, will be holding her inaugural lecture entitled: Old as Methuselah?…
Read MoreWie zorgt er voor de mantelzorger?
Nederland telt meer dan 5 miljoen mantelzorgers. Ze zorgen voor een ouder met dementie, een partner met een spierziekte, of een kind met een beperking. Door bezuinigingen en personeelstekorten zal…
Read MoreVoorkomen is beter dan genezen
De afgelopen tijd is duidelijk geworden dat de zorg de patiëntenstroom niet meer aan kan. Wat kunnen we doen om te voorkomen dat mensen patiënt worden? Hoe beïnvloeden omgevingsfactoren en…
Read MoreLecture series “Zorgen over de zorg”
Utrecht University’s Studium Generale is running a series of talks on the topic “Concerns on healthcare”. Description The future of healthcare looks bleak. An ageing population, overpriced medicines and unnecessary…
Read MoreJob vacancy: staff member at Vesalius centre
Vesalius is an interdisciplinary centre and platform about science, healthcare and society, which will open its doors in Leuven at the end of 2025. The intention is to let the…
Read MoreSocialist Governmentality? Healthcare, technologies of the self, and subjectification in European state socialism, 1945-1990
The two-day workshop aims to discuss the question, whether and how Michel Foucault’s ideas on liberal (and capitalist) “governmentality” can be productively applied on contemporary or historical socialist societies. It…
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