“The past belongs to everyone”: Meeting on accessibility in the public history sector

In this meeting on November 3, people with disabilities, public history professionals, students and history teachers share their knowledge about physical accessibility in the public history sector.

Friday November 3
Entry from 12.30
End of event 5:00 PM

Location: Radboud University Nijmegen, Elinor Ostrom building, Heyendaalseweg 141, 6525 AJ Nijmegen. Register: https://forms.gle/KTCvRTA8bx6usqTg9
Email: pastvaniedereen@gmail.com

On Friday afternoon, November 3 at 12:30, the network meeting ‘The past belongs to everyone’ will take place at Radboud University in Nijmegen (in Dutch). At this event, Young Historian of the Year Stef Coenen, together with experts and the Young Historians Foundation will be in dialogue with the field of cultural heritage about the accessibility of young historians with a physical disability in the public history sector.

The public history sector and young historians with a physical disability

Our working group of historians with a physical disability, Young Historian of the Year Stef Coenen and the Young Historians Foundation have put together a diverse program, which will address themes such as: how do you create an accessible museum exhibition? How do you ensure that museum collections and heritage institutions are representative? How can an application procedure be made accessible?

Awareness and new connections

The unique thing about this day is that experienced experts, archive and museum professionals, academics and students will come together. They are all invited to share their vision. The day is therefore not only about increasing awareness about the topic and gaining more insight into best practices, but also about creating new connections.

Will you join us?

Would you also like to learn more about this theme, or share your own experiences? Are you a heritage professional with a disability and do you want to learn more about accessibility in the sector? Or are you a student interested in accessibility? Everyone is welcome on November 3 from 12.30 pm. You can register in advance via https://forms.gle/KTCvRTA8bx6usqTg9. The full program will soon be shared via the Instagram page @verledenvaniedereen and on our LinkedIn ‘The past belongs to everyone!’. Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you on November 3.