Upcoming online seminar series on (in)fertility

The Groningen Centre for Health and Humanities and the Centre for Historical Studies are organising a history of medicine seminar series on (in)fertility.

All seminars are from 4-5pm CET. Online sessions are hosted on ZOOM. Please send an email to James Kennaway (james.kennaway@rug.nl) for the link.


28 September (Wednesday)
Tinne Claes (KU Leuven): A cultural biography of the sperm bank
Read the abstract

31 October (Monday)
Leonieke Vermeer (University of Groningen): ‘Poor mother is so lonely’. Experiences of
childlessness in nineteenth-century Dutch ego-documents and literature

29 November (Tuesday)
Simon Szreter (University of Cambridge): Variation is the constant of fertility

19 December (Monday)
Emma Trivett (University of Edinburgh): ‘Managing Royal (In)fertility’: Cases from England
and Scotland, c.1200-c.1350